Elite Coaching

Shane Heal has provided very valuable coaching and advice to teams/schools and associations. It’s not often players can be coached by a four time Olympian who is the third all-time scorer in Olympic history. Be coached by someone who has been there and done it at the very highest level.



Do you want Shane to come and take your team for a one-off session or multiple sessions? This can be done for a special occasion, pre-season or as preparation for finals or state Championships. Shane can concentrate on a specific part of the game that your coach wants emphasised, or put them through a tough session, incorporating all of the key aspects that Shane feels is important from his 20 year career. Shane can then sit down with your team to talk about his experiences playing pro basketball around the world, goal setting, accountability and Q&As that your team may have. 



Does your association want a Championship winning coach to run multiple sessions for your teams? Are your coaches developing the players skills in every session and putting them in a situation to improve and be successful? Coaches from the association are more than welcome to come and learn critical drills and techniques so players improve quickly.



Does your school need a mentor coach to support all of your coaches? Somebody to give feedback, suggestions or systems that could suit all of the teams and create continuity and consistency throughout the whole school? Do the teachers/ coaches need drills to help the kids get to the next level, with teaching points to emphasise key aspects of successful players and teams? We do this.


Coach the coaches

Who is coaching and developing your coaches? This is a critical part of any SCHOOL, ASSOCIATION or CLUB that want to develop both players and coaches to be ELITE. Shane can break down basic skills and drills that are critical for players improvement. Competitive drills that create game like situations for players to develop their games should be practiced every session. Are your players playing with the needed intensity to be successful? Are your coaches teaching the players the right aspects of the game and creating an environment that players enjoy the game, play together and want to work harder than their competitors? 


offensive sessions

Sessions will be run at various locations across Sydney with a view to create the right habits on the offensive end of the floor. These skills need to be replicated over and over at game speed. These sessions provide the vehicle to practice these skills in an upbeat and motivated environment.



Dribble Warm Up

Dribble Warm Up



Lay-Up Drills

Lay-Up Drills

Defence Drill

Defence Drill